I recently did a second location shoot with the good people who keep me warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and keep the lights on all year. I was happy to hear from BG&E again after such a great experience working for them the first time. Everyone I met at the company was super friendly, and many had worked there for decades. Clearly they are doing something right!

By the way, sorry I couldn't resist the cheesy dad joke in my headline, but the photos were just electrifying! (Doh!)


Recent Headshot Shoots

By Dennis Drenner on 29 May 2017
in Recent shoots

This is just a quick post to show you all some recent headshot shoots, as well as to give you an idea how folks are using my photos out in the world to help with their careers and businesses. For example, above, author Barbara Bourland is using my headshots on her website and other promotion materials. She recently released the book "I'll Eat When I'm Dead."


For headshots, an out-of-focus foreground (i.e the subject) is a bad idea, but blurry backgrounds look cool! So I was excited when a DC area client wanted just that.

Fortunately the space they chose for the shoot, a co-work space called DC Workspaces, was perfect for the job. They had a glass-walled conference room with a large, bright open space behind that acted as the perfect stage. And by moving just a few inches to one side or the other between shoots, I was able to give each subject a slightly different backdrop.


Actors are a blast to photograph. As you might imagine, however, they are not always at home in front of the lens. Even seasoned thespians feel a bit of stage fright at times. At least that's what Meryl told me when we were having drinks the other day...

A lot of actors are more comfortable acting (i.e. performing) than modeling (more static), so I'll often keep them in acting mode. It's fun to yell out emotions and situations for them to interpret: depressed, elated, perplexed, your puppy is lost, you are greeting your girlfriend at the airport after a long …


Unless you're a trained actor, when someone points a large camera at your face, you probably feel a little self-conscious. Even if you wrestle a big grin onto your face, I will see the fear in your eyes. "Do my teeth look stained? Can he see that blemish on my nose?"

My job as a headshot photographer is more than just bathing you in soft light and finding the perfect pose. It is helping you to stop worrying about the camera and relax-- even if it's just for a fraction of a second. That's all I need for a …


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(C) 2015 CHARM CITY HEADSHOTS / All rights reserved.